This is a horrible story about a boy named David, written by David Pelzer. David grew up in a family with a loving father, three brothers and a mean mother that treated David like he didn’t exist. This book is based on a true story about David Pelzer’s life.
The story begins backwards, with the part were David gets saved from his mother. His teachers start to notice that he is hungry all the time, he has new scars and marks on his body every week and he always tell the same lies how he got them. David can not believe that he actually is saved from his evil mother. The mother that beated him, humiliated him, never gave him food, made him wear the same clothes in school everyday, threw his littlebrother’s diaper on him and even more sick things. David’s brothers was treated like normal children and his father left the family after all the fights he had with the mother about the way she treated David.
You can not read this book without getting ”a lump in your stomach”. I was blown away by the book. David Pelzer has written two more books about hos life and I will definitely read them.
I give this book 5/5 possible.
/Jasmina Kunic Ek13