L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad

L A candyIn L.A. Candy you get to follow the two best friends, Jane Roberts and Scarlet Harp, when they move to L.A. One night at a nightclub they are spotted by a TV producer who offers them to start their own reality show, like a reality version of ‘’Sex and the City’’, with two other girls named Madison and Gaby. Jane and Scarlet do not have any high expectations about the show, but it becomes a really big hit. Before they know about it, they are famous all over L.A. They get to live a life any young girl would dream about, a big apartment with their own pool, VIP at popular nightclubs, guys and much more, and they get paid for it! Jane becomes the big star of the show and soon she is loved by everyone in L.A, which creates jealousy in others. Maybe all the fame is not as great as it first seems, and the girls need to think about who they really can trust.

Just like the plot, the language is funny and suited for teenagers. They way Lauren writes is just like the way we talk and think today, which makes the book even better. You can relate to the persons in the book by the way she writes: ‘’OMG, Jane thought as she struggled to keep her enthusiastic, positive, worker-bee smile plastered on her face. I’m so screwed.’’ (p. 41)

In L.A. Candy we get to read about how it is like to be famous, the real side. Especially Scarlett feels like her privacy has been taken away from her, wherever she goes there are cameras filming her, producers telling her what to do, fans screaming and so on… Lauren Conrad is famous herself and she can really describe what it is like. With this book she shows us that it is not always glamorous to be a famous, it is also hard and mentally demanding.

Picture source: http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/qOSafV24gNH/Lauren+Conrad+LA+Candy+Book+Signing/5m4s0c5Vcax/Lauren+Conrad

Julia Hedström SA13


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